Monday, May 29, 2006


Pollen Season

The noted today that "According to one forecast, the hay fever season will be at its worst at precisely 6.02pm today..."

A few weeks ago, on May 10, Meteosat reported a large cloud of pollen over Europe: In Germany, France, Poland and the Czech Republic, birch pollen conditions have been extreme. It has since rained frequently, daily now for the past ten days. Puddles have been surrounded by a golden ring (of pollen). In this area (near Strasbourg), our birch levels have dropped from 5 to 3 since about a week ago.(Strasbourg birch pollen levels) Grasses have gotten off to a slow or late start, with levels so far only 1-2 whereas they were running 2-3 last May. But their best or worst (4-5) is to be expected for most of June and July. So it seems that in Alsace, today is not the worst.

For confirmation I went to look at

Last update: 26-05-2006 - 12:00

cypress family: season is over
alder: season is over in Central and Western Europe, past season in Northern Europe. Green- alder is in flower in the Alpine regions at timber line.
hazel: season is over
wall pellitory: occasionally moderate loads in the Mediterranean.
ash: season in Central and Western Europe is over
birch: season is over in Central and Western Europe, full season in the North - with some extremes in Scandinavia - depending on latitude
plane tree: season is over
olive tree: season in the Mediterranean
grass pollen: decreasing loads in the Mediterranean, season in Central and Western Europe
mugwort: no risk
ragweed: no risk

mould spores: no risk

So, yes, it does look like grass pollen is picking up, but trees are done (around here).

Their France-specific bulletin is another matter; it would be an amusing demonstration that writing in English may not make the information more accessible, if one didn't hope to have useable, timely information. Why don't people take time to re-read (or, better, have someone else read and criticize) their texts, especially when written in a foreign language? Or can we blame this on Babelghoti?


last update: 28-05-2006 - 16:33

Bulletin valid until May 19th

Business Graminaceous!
Pollens the graminaceous ones denounce each other between them in the south a Rouen-Besancon line.
The there associated allergic risk will be high, even locally very high throughout the weekend and the beginning of the week.
More at North, the denunciations will arrive in nearest weekend. Pollens trees are still very present. Pollens of the birch will obstruct the allergic ones to the north of the Seine, and it is those of the oak which will beat records on South-west and Corsica.
Attention, the allergic ones must consult their doctor and scrupulously follow the prescribed treatments.

Why, too, publish a bulletin valid until 19 May on 28 May?


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