Thursday, August 03, 2006


Summer in the Municipality

I suppose I live in a town. It seems to meet the criteria offered by various online dictionaries:
So a town is a city that is too small to be a city. What does it take to qualify as a city?
A center of population, commerce, and culture; a town of significant size and importance.

We have population (more than I'd be able to feed), commerce (a couple hundred shops, and a public market twice a week), but is this a center of culture? Of course! We have schools (public and private, pre-school through high school, and a technical school), a mediathèque (a library with digital recordings, too, and Internet terminals), a nicely renovated theater, and annual musical festivals ("music and humor" in the spring, and folk music and dance from around the world in August). I should add mention of museums and occasional art exhibits. Places of worship, too!

Some recent sightings:

A former production facility has been converted to the Franco-Turkish Cultural Association.
Franco-Turkish Cultural Association

Air conditioned theater open 2:00 p.m. to

During the heat wave, the municipal theater served as a public shelter (for those who couldn't or wouldn't spend their afternoons in a supermarket)--translation: "!Heat wave! Air conditioned theater open to the public 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m."
A water fountain in the center of town flows with water that is drinkable!
Potable water

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