Monday, January 01, 2007


Annual Arson in Strasbourg

That is not a spelling error in the title: the subject is not Strasbourg-born soccer celebrity Arsène Wenger, although he may have been in town, I really don't know.

Le Figaro reports that the number of automobiles set fire in the Bas Rhin department (where Strasbourg is situated) rose to 43 from 22 last year, of which 28 were in Strasbourg, up from 11 last year. They do not say how many had been burned ahead of the season (New Year's Eve) in 2005 during the November unrest. Why no annual totals? And will this be reflected in higher new car sales in January?

43:22 = + 95% Total Bas Rhin

28:11 = + 155% Just Strasbourg

15:11 = + 36% Other areas of the Bas Rhin

No report today in the DNA, the regional newspaper. We take our holidays (and blue laws) seriously in Alsace, but I'll look for the local version in their columns tomorrow.

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