Saturday, May 19, 2007


First Battle in the Cold Cyberwar?

It seems not all major "papers" agree that this story is "fit to print". I've just sampled a few of the leaders in English and in French, then sorted their reports in chronological order. I wonder what would happen if the video of the removal of the statue in Tallinn were top of the charts at YouTube and the DDoS attack were against one of the pillars of cyber-business?

Financial Times Reporters Published: May 17 2007 19:02: US warns cyber-attacks will increase

A top US official on Thursday warned that cyber-attacks against governments and institutions were likely to increase in future following a series of assaults over the past month in Estonia.

The attacks, which Estonian officials say originated in Russia, began after April 27 when Estonia removed a Soviet second world war memorial from its capital, Tallinn.

“We need to prepare ourselves because this is likely only to become more of an issue in the future,” said John Negroponte, deputy US secretary of state and until recently the US director of national intelligence. He did not comment on allegations that the attacks were linked to the Russian government.

Web attackers used a million computers, says Estonia

  • Guardian, Friday May 18 2007
  • Ian Traynor in Brussels
Estonia said yesterday that at least 1m computers had been used to launch an unprecedented wave of cyber-attacks on the small Baltic state over the past few weeks and indicated the damage inflicted had run into tens of millions of euros. Despite earlier explicit accusations that Russia was behind the offensive, however, officials in Tallinn, the Estonian capital, backed away (...)

lemonde.frL'OTAN s'alarme des cyberattaques dont est victime l'Estonie

May 18, 2007 18:43:52 GMT

L'OTAN enquête à la demande de l'Estonie sur les attaques électroniques qui ont mis à mal de nombreux sites. La Russie, pointée indirectement du doigt par Tallinn, a nié avoir participé à ces opérations.

New York Times :Estonia Computers Blitzed, Possibly by the Russians :

Published: May 19, 2007

MOSCOW, May 18 — The computer attacks, apparently originating in Russia, first hit the Web site of Estonia’s prime minister on April 27, the day the country was mired in protest and violence. The president’s site went down, too, and soon so did those of several departments in a wired country that touts its paperless government and likes to call itself E-stonia.

Then the attacks, coming in waves, began to strike newspapers and television stations, then schools and finally banks, raising fears that what was initially a nuisance could have economic consequences.

Los Angeles Times: Search returns nothing on Estonia since 10 May.

Wall Street Journal: nothing that I can find.

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