Sunday, September 16, 2012


Other Tristan Ruhlmann Windows

Saint Gall, the Catholic church of the village of Rittershoffen, a town not far from Haguenau, commissioned Tristan Ruhlmann to do a major stained glass window in his special, glass-and-concrete technique. I visited it in 2005; another place to see more (and better) photos is this note titled "Les vitraux de l'église St Gall". To get the scale of the work, consider it first from the outside: it is that whole section in the front wall of the church!
Entering, one passes through a sort of porch walled in his stained glass windows. The effectiveness of his technique for including text is quite evident.The article linked above has details of several of the panes, which list the Ten Commandments.
Inside the church one is confronted by the vast, complex composition. Sadly, I did not take photos of the details, nor notes explaining the composition. Happily, the linked article has some.

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Our church has some incredible stained glass windows created by Tristan Ruhlmann too. The design magnificent and striking. Looking at the pictures on here, it's quite clear he had his own unique style.
Thanks to sjdean for that comment and reference. Among the pictures on the page sjdean cited is an interesting example of a concept I hadn't seen before: "windows depict ancient prayer mats as were hung up in open windows in early churches, and are also based on Islamic designs from Turkey."
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